云分享:美国JueLanClub餐厅【356期】 云色设计|-云色设计 英文名称:America Jue Lan Club restaurant分类:云色餐饮设计工程内容:实景照片图片:9张位置:美?
云分享:美国JueLanClub餐厅【356期】 云色设计|-云色设计
英文名称:America Jue Lan Club restaurant
咨询电话 | 020-87586210 云色设计
Jue Lan Club这个名字两泽千晶 ,取自于1932年成立的一个中国艺术社团-决澜社。在当时莱曲唑 ,决澜社拼尽全力多次试图冲破中国死气沉沉的旧文化束缚,他们表达自己对活力四射的新艺术和新生活的喜爱与向往三不粘 。设计师们正是利用这一点侍宣如 ,作为整个餐厅设计的理论基础金石财经 ,这也是该项目的一大特点。餐厅里的每一个房间都有自己独特的内涵、独有的颜色以及美感。
二十世纪八十年代,曼哈顿曾经的教会演变成了Limelight夜总会,这里也成了曼哈顿夜生活的核心区袁荃 。
郑恩柏 当时的艺术家十绝阵 ,比如Andy Warhol、HR Giger、还有其他那些像Peter Gatien一样充满个性的人陈敬宣 ,更是给整个时代增添了不少光彩。设计师对引人注目的秘密花园的构思灵感住在清潭洞,来自于Madame Adventurist的秘密花园一书颜亚涛,这里神秘并且像个与世隔绝的世外桃源。酒吧休闲区则向大家展示出餐厅里不止一处好地方。
The namesake of The Jue Lan Club is drawn from a group of revolutionary Chinese artists who united in 1932. The Jue Lan Club御宝斋 岳西天气预报 , as they called themselves鲁伊莎 , met numerous times in attempts to break Chinese art out of its traditional hold. Their declaration松来未佑 , as seen above, expressed their love of vibrancy in art and life. We use this ethos as a philosophy for the project’s character. Each room of the restaurant has its own unique vibe, color and aesthetic.
In the 1980s黑道邪途 , the historic church rectory was transformed into the Limelight Nightclub and became the center of nightlife in Manhattan. Artists like Andy Warhol and HR Giger and other personalities like Peter Gatien added to the excitement of the venue. Secret Garden:Our inspiration for the stunning courtyard was that of the Madame Adventurist’s secret garden; slightly mysterious and hidden from the world. The main bar lounge reflects one of the more refined spaces within the restaurant.