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二月七日 清晨甘露-清晨甘露——司布真著 二月七日经文: 「你们起来,去吧!」(弥迦书二:10) 这个信息临到我们和一切人的时候到了!——“起来,?

二月七日 清晨甘露-清晨甘露——司布真著
二月七日经文: 「你们起来,去吧!」(弥迦书二:10)
这个信息临到我们和一切人的时候到了!——“起来,离开你所住的地方,离开你作事的城市,离开你的家庭和你的朋友马石山十勇士。起来,走上你最后的一段路程吧!” 我们知道我们的路程是什么样子的吗?牛玉强 我们知道我们所居留的地方是什么样子的吗?我们念的圣经虽少,但也受了圣灵的启示;可是,我们对于将来的境况所知道的是太少了!我们知道有一条黝黑而汹涌的河,名叫“死”薛丁山传奇。神叫我们过去,应许与我们同在。而死后,又会有什么情形呢?在我们惊讶的眼前展开了什么样的奇妙的世界呢异世大陆小说排行榜?我们要看到一种多么荣耀的景象呢?从来没有一个过客再回来告诉我们。我们对于天堂所知道的已够我们被欢迎到快乐和欢喜当中。死的路虽然黑暗帝妃绝 ,但我们可以大胆无惧地向前走去金乡二中 ,要知道,当我们经过幽谷时,神必与我们同在,因此,我们就不怕遭害了。我们要离开这里一切所知、所爱的川口能活 ,但我们要回到我们父的家里――我们父的家里就是耶稣所在的地方,要到“那座有根基的城,就是神所经营、所建造的”。这是我们最后所去的地方,在祂的民中和神的面前李泳简历,永远与我们所爱的主同在。基督徒呀!要常常想到天堂,就必使你盼望快些前往,并能使你忘怀路途中的辛劳;流泪谷不过是去到更美之地的过程声讯购卡 ,这个悲哀的世界不过是福乐世界的跳板罢了李汶静 !
那时冠盖路,我灵要兴起,与众圣徒同唱天上的妙歌鹿宪洲 。”
Morning, February 7Scripture: “Arise超级修仙系统 , and depart.”(Micah 2:10) The hour is approaching when the message will come to us, as it comes to all—“Arise, and go forth from the home in which thou hast dwelt, from the city in which thou hast done thy business, from thy family, from thy friends. Arise, and take thy last journey.” And what know we of the journey? And what know we of the country to which we are bound科瑞莱? A little we have read thereof, and somewhat has been revealed to us by the Spirit; but how little do we know of the realms of the future! We know that there is a black and stormy river called “Death.” God bids us cross it, promising to be with us. And榛生 , after death, what cometh? What wonder-world will open upon our astonished sight? What scene of glory will be unfolded to our view? No traveller has ever returned to tell. But we know enough of the heavenly land to make us welcome our summons thither with joy and gladness. The journey of death may be dark, but we may go forth on it fearlessly缺爷 , knowing that God is with us as we walk through the gloomy valley北仑职高 , and therefore we need fear no evil. We shall be departing from all we have known and loved here, but we shall be going to our Father's house—to our Father's home, where Jesus is—to that royal “city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” This shall be our last removal神医柳下惠, to dwell for ever with him we love, in the midst of his people, in the presence of God. Christian, meditate much on heaven, it will help thee to press on姚作汀 , and to forget the toil of the way. This vale of tears is but the pathway to the better country: this world of woe is but the stepping-stone to a world of bliss. “Prepare us陈今佩 , Lord薄连根, by grace divine,For thy bright courts on high;Then bid our spirits rise, and joinThe chorus of the sky.”
