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【视频】一分钟教会你怎么玩美国大峡谷丢手绢简谱 !-人字拖游记TravelFlipFlops空间掌柜 十一要到啦冰天血地 ,大家要不要去美国大峡谷自驾呢邪御天骄?一分钟教你怎么玩大峡谷辛格瑞拉,还教你在大峡谷能用到的旅行口语张鸿林 。视频最后给真爱粉留了彩蛋张绿水 。After 13 months of hugging our bags合优网 , Alain and Ariel are heading back to Montreal. We're excited to see frien

【视频】一分钟教会你怎么玩美国大峡谷丢手绢简谱 !-人字拖游记TravelFlipFlops空间掌柜

十一要到啦冰天血地 ,大家要不要去美国大峡谷自驾呢邪御天骄?一分钟教你怎么玩大峡谷辛格瑞拉,还教你在大峡谷能用到的旅行口语张鸿林 。视频最后给真爱粉留了彩蛋张绿水 。
After 13 months of hugging our bags合优网 , Alain and Ariel are heading back to Montreal. We're excited to see friends and family again. After 50+ countries worth of selfies阳光劫匪 , hours of sign language,岩崎峰子 frustrating and fended off robberies户撒刀 , we have new friends for life鲁银投资股吧 ,拨冗 a reinforced connection疯狂宠物2, a new appetite for our Canadian lives铬透辉石 , and lots to share僵尸妓院!
Ask us anything. We're also not done posting videos and pictures女皇神慧 !#travelflipflops#goinghome#merrymarry#sabbatical
长按二维码关注人字拖游记,谢谢大家支持恰吉 。我们努力更新视频的纸板画 。
